How do I report child sexual abuse and exploitation?
In the first instance please report this to the police, either by calling 101 or 999 if the young person is in immediate danger. Other services that may get involved following a report to the police include:
The Bridge
Sexual Assault Referral Centre (NHS) For children and adults who have experienced recent or non recent sexual abuse or assault. The Bridge provides medical, forensic and emotional support and onward referral. They are open 24-hours.
Phone: 0117 342 6999
First Light
Swindon & Wiltshire Independent Sexual Violence Advisory (ISVA) Service Emotional and practical support for those reporting to the police. Website:
Phone: 01793 781916
Victim Support
This charity helps survivors of crime. The website includes a section on going to court before trial, during trial and after trial.
Other useful organisations
We Stand
We Stand offer a national helpline for parents and carers of children who have been sexually abused.
Freephone: 0800 980 1958
Centre of Expertise on child sexual abuse
Provides helpful resources and research around child sexual abuse.
Contacting Swindon and Wiltshire Phoenix Project
You can contact us on 01793 915125 Monday to Thursday, between the hours of 9am to 5pm, a brief message can also be left with your contact details and we will call you back.
Alternatively, we can be reached via email
If a child or young person is in immediate danger, please contact 999
Registering for support or making a referral for support
If you’re ready to make a referral for a child or young person, please complete the referral form via the link below.
You can expect to hear from us within 5 days of receipt of the referral. Please only refer to one agency – if we think your referral is more suitable for another agency, we will notify you.
It can be tricky to start talking, because you feel scared to say some things out loud, but when you start talking you just want to keep going and get everything out. It feels good to talk.
Aged 9 years
Contact Swindon & Wiltshire Phoenix Project
Monday to Thursday between the hours of 9am to 5pm